Simplex Java Applet

Bottoni di controllo

Attenzione: per uscire dalle varie schermate è necessario usare il bottone [Quit]

... Applet controls here... if you had Java.

Istruzioni per l'utilizzo

Il programma visualizza tutti i passi del metodo del simplesso.

After you click the New Problem button, a window pops up asking you to enter the number of constraints and number of variables for your linear program. You can enter values between 2 and 7 for both.

Next a window will pop up that allows you to enter the objective function and constraints. You only have to enter nonzero entries! On this window you have three buttons.

Once Preprocess is pressed another window comes up with your preprocessed linear program. There are two buttons on this window.

At one point in the stepping process, you will have the opportunity to choose the incoming variable. If the problem has not yet been solved, you will get the message "Test for Optimality: Not Optimal! Pick entering Variable." At this point, radio checkboxes located beneath the variables will become enabled if that variable is eligible to enter the basis. The variable with the most negative reduced cost is choosen by default.

Il programma è stato sviluppato da OTC.