The Simplex Method:
Definitions Page

Objective Function
The function that is either being minimized or maximized. For example, it may represent the cost that you are trying to minimize.
Optimal Solution
A vector x which is both feasible (satisfying the constraints) and optimal (obtaining the largest or smallest objective value).
A set of equalities and inequalities that the feasible solution must satisfy.
Feasible Solution
A solution vector, x, which satisfies the constraints.
Basic Solution
x of (Ax=b) is a basic solution if the n components of x can be partitioned into m "basic" and n-m "non-basic" variables in such a way that:

The constraint matrix A has m rows (constraints) and n columns (variables).

The set of basic variables.
Basic Variables
A variable in the basic solution (value is not 0).
Nonbasic Variables
A variable not in the basic solution (value = 0).
Slack Variable
A variable added to the problem to eliminate less-than constraints.
Surplus Variable
A variable added to the problem to eliminate greater-than constraints.
Artificial Variable
A variable added to a linear program in phase 1 to aid finding a feasible solution.
Unbounded Solution
For some linear programs it is possible to make the objective arbitrarily small (without bound). Such an LP is said to have an unbounded solution.

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